Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.06.12.Rendezvény vége: 2024.06.14.
Franciaország, Párizs, Maison Internationale, Paris
Call for abstracts: deadline: 2024.01.15.!
>>Planned program >>
Registration >> (early bird until 31. March 2024)
Due to the success of the 1st edition, the Organizing Committee is very pleased to invite you to the next edition to bring your knowledge, experience and originality! We will get together the medical teams, scientists, patient representatives, policy makers, as well as industrial teams.
Stay connected, registration is opening soon!
Enjoy 3 wonderful days in Paris
● to share knowledge and experience during the patient forum, the plenary sessions and the workshops
● to train and get trained
● to meet the rare skin disease stakeholders
● to get together
● boost collaboration and improve patient care and quality of life